Calling Systems

Milan Taxi 028585 > Calling systems

Calling systems

call cab to milan central station

Milan Taxi 028585 > Calling systems

Web cab service

Activates default cab service by mobile or landline

The WEB service is aimed at all customers (companies and individuals) who have a Computer with an Internet connection: fast, practical and intuitive, Radiotaxi's WEB service 02.8585 is, to date along with the App, the fastest system for calling a cab.

After the activation request for mobile or fixed line, you will receive as soon as possible an email (or a text message for mobile service) with access credentials.

Attention: only one municipality located in the Province of Milan and Monza and Brianza can be entered in the registration

Already registered?

Milan Taxi 028585 > Calling systems

Call your cab now by sending a short text message

To call a cab with SMS send the same to 333.8898555 and for the text use the following example changing the data with your own. EXAMPLE: Milan.via G. Murat 23. Rossi sig. Shortly after sending, you will receive an SMS with the initials of the cab and the minutes of arrival.

Milan Taxi 028585 > Calling systems


Write to us directly on Whatsapp to book your cab

In order to request one of our cabs after saving the number 333 8898555 in your address book, start the application and then send a message indicating in the text the name of the city, the address, the name of the person requesting and the method of payment you wish to use.

The response will come via confirmation, through a message with all the info about the cab coming to you sent as soon as possible.

Milan Taxi 028585 > Calling systems

Toll-free number & gold

The service that puts an automated call to you

Sign up for Radiotaxi 8585's FREE GOLD NUMBER service. The automated service makes available to businesses and individuals, an automated preferential call.

You will be assigned: An identification code to your landline address.

Up to 3 address codes on your cell phone with the possibility of registering one of the following options: cab with credit card payment; station wagon cab; 5-seater minivan cab; other options to be defined with the customer.


Address (1)...Via Murat 23 postselection 1

Address (2)...Piazza Velasca 5 postselection 2

Address (3)...Via Manzoni 52 postselection 3

For information and activations, call 02.861735 during office hours.